Mark Wilson May 28th, 2008

It is not the most exciting topic, but one close to the lives of rural Indians. The new town of Wooster Nagar had the rare opportunity to devise a water management plan from scratch as they built the infrastructure of their village. Finding and managing fresh water for drinking, cooking and other household uses is an issue all over the world, and it is especially difficult in southern India. The people of Wooster Nagar have installed a “gray water” system for each home. The black tanks you see in the photo above are for holding water which was used in washing and other non-sewage applications. This water is then applied to gardens and used for other applications which do not require pure water. The ditch below is for a sewage pipe which will soon empty into a miniature treatment plant with filtration and settling ponds. The inhabitants of Wooster Nagar will thus have their own efficient clean water and sanitary systems.

Peter Havholm May 27th, 2008

When we visited Wooster Nagar, a village built with major support from the people of Wooster, the villagers welcomed us with music, drawings on the pavement, and great warmth. They were grateful, they said, for Wooster’s help in making new homes for them after the tsunami wiped out their old ones. The clip below shows how the new homes for 26 families are laid out along Noble Street.
You’ll have to be patient on this clip the first time you click. It’s long, but it’s worth it.
Welcome to Wooster Nagar
Peter Havholm May 27th, 2008
Porselvi, Anitha, Elizabeth
In Wooster Nagar (Wooster Town), the villagers (26 families) showed us their new homes built along Noble Street, with major funding from the people of Wooster. During our visit, Elizabeth Schiltz got the names of Porselvi and Anitha while we were on the roof of the National City Bank Community Center (which features a Gault Library) to see the view–and then tried out new playground equipment with Porselvi (in a still at the end of the video clip).
There will be more posts about this visit.